

On Linux you can choose between (for the two former choices, when you start the the pymssql installation process it will look for and pick the header files and libraries for FreeTDS in some usual system-wide locations):

  • Use the FreeTDS installation provided by the packages/ports system.

  • Build it and install yourself.

  • Use the bundled static FreeTDS libraries:

    pip install pymssql

    These static libraries are built on a x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04 system by using the following sequence:

    export CFLAGS="-fPIC"  # for the 64 bits version


    export CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m32"  # for the 32 bits version

    and then:

    ./configure --enable-msdblib \
      --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/freetds --with-tdsver=7.1 \
      --disable-apps --disable-server --disable-pool --disable-odbc \
      --with-openssl=no --with-gnutls=no

    Changed in version 2.1.3: Version of FreeTDS Linux static libraries bundled with pymssql is 0.95.95.

    Changed in version 2.1.2: Version of FreeTDS Linux static libraries bundled with pymssql is 0.95.81 obtained from branch Branch-0_95 of the official Git repository. Up to 2.1.1 the version of FreeTDS bundled was 0.91.

Mac OS X (with Homebrew)

brew install freetds


You can:

  1. Simply use our official Wheels which include FreeTDS statically linked and have no SSL support.

  2. Build pymssql yourself. In this case you have the following choices regarding FreeTDS:

    • Use binaries we maintain at

      Choose the .zip file appropriate for your architecture (x86 vs. x86_64) and your Python version (vs2008 for Python 2.7, vs2010 for Python 3.3 and 3.4, vs2015 for Python 3.5 and 3.6).

      Those builds include iconv support (via win-iconv statically linked).

      They provide both static and dynamic library versions of FreeTDS and versions built both with and without SSL support via OpenSSL (only dinamically linked).

      To install OpenSSL you’ll need the distribution that can be downloaded from Choose the right .7z file for your Python version (vs2008 for Python 2.7, vs2010 for Python 3.3 and 3.4, vs2015 for Python 3.5 and 3.6).

    • Or you can build it yourself.

Changed in version 2.1.3: FreeTDS is linked statically again on our official Windows binaries.

pymssql version 2.1.2 included a change in the official Windows Wheels by which FreeTDS was dinamically linked. Read the relevant change log entry for the rationale behind that decision.

Given the fact this didn’t have a good reception from our users, this change has been undone in 2.1.3, FreeTDS is statically linked like it happened until version 2.1.1.


pymssql uses FreeTDS package to connect to SQL Server instances. You have to tell it how to find your database servers. The most basic info is host name, port number, and protocol version to use.

The system-wide FreeTDS configuration file is /etc/freetds.conf or C:\freetds.conf, depending upon your system. It is also possible to use a user specific configuration file, which is $HOME/.freetds.conf on Linux and %APPDATA%\.freetds.conf on Windows. Suggested contents to start with is at least:

    port = 1433
    tds version = 7.0

With this config you will be able to enter just the hostname to pymssql.connect() and _mssql.connect():

import pymssql
connection = pymssql.connect(server='mydbserver', ...)

Otherwise you will have to enter the portname as in:

connection = pymssql.connect(server='mydbserver:1433', ...)

To connect to instance other than the default, you have to know either the instance name or port number on which the instance listens:

connection = pymssql.connect(server='mydbserver\\myinstancename', ...)
# or by port number (suppose you confirmed that this instance is on port 1237)
connection = pymssql.connect(server='mydbserver:1237', ...)

Please see also the pymssql module reference, _mssql module reference, and FAQ pages.

For more information on configuring FreeTDS please go to

Testing the connection

If you’re sure that your server is reachable, but pymssql for some reason don’t let you connect, you can check the connection with tsql utility which is part of FreeTDS package:

$ tsql
Usage:  tsql [-S <server> | -H <hostname> -p <port>] -U <username> [-P <password>] [-I <config file>] [-o <options>] [-t delim] [-r delim] [-D database]
$ tsql -S mydbserver -U user


Use the above form if and only if you specified server alias for mydbserver in freetds.conf. Otherwise use the host/port notation:

$ tsql -H mydbserver -p 1433 -U user

You’ll be prompted for a password and if the connection succeeds, you’ll see the SQL prompt:


You can then enter queries and terminate the session with exit.

If the connection fails, tsql utility will display appropriate message.